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For our purposes, we ask our bees to only stock items that are 25 years or older. We aren’t always perfect, sometimes it is difficult to tell when there are no identifying markings or an item had a long production run. We don’t want to dilute quality of the market with ‘retro’ goods or recent reproductions like some other stores. Our sign says vintage and that’s what we try to deliver. If you have questions about an item please bring it to our attention and we will happily investigate.
Unfortunately, we don’t release prices or sell items to the public until the start of the First Dibs Friday event.
We believe this helps maintain integrity and provide a fair opportunity for all of our customers.
Once the market has started, you may certainly call to hold items over the phone with a valid credit card.
If you have some items that you are interested in selling to our vendors, send us an email at info@vintagemarche727.com and we will share it with our vendors. Please keep in mind that to keep the market operating and our prices low we only buy at wholesale prices. Please be sure to include photos and all relevant information (dimensions, manufacturer, estimated age, etc)
Yes! Vintage Marché has always been welcome to well-behaved, well-mannered pets.
Our mascots, Lilly and Henry, love to meet new friends and we have water bowls available if your four-legged companion gets thirsty.
In addition, we often partner with PetPal charities to help provide much needed services for our less fortunate fur babies.
No problem! We are happy to hold your items in our back storage until you are ready to pick them up. Pick up anytime that same weekend or during pick-up hours on the Wednesday following market. Alternatively, we have partnered with a third-party delivery service that can bring your items to you for a very reasonable rate. 

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Do you...

….have a penchant for provenance?

…have an actual affinity for rusty relics?

…know the difference between bombé and brocade?

…love sharing your love of vintage with other people?

then you...

…may be a perfect candidate to join our crew as a vendor ‘bee’!

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